These gas pressure-type moisture testers have been specially designed to test a wide variety of substances such as coal dust, coasting sand, lime, and cement. When a sample containing moisture is placed in an airtight container with a chemical reagent (Hydrogenized Calcium) and mixed, a chemical reaction takes place and hydrogen gas is created due to the moisture. This unit is able to find the moisture content caused by this hydrogen gas. Choose either the U-1 for measurements of small moisture or the U-2 for normal measurements, depending on your needs.Reaction method CaH2 + 2H2O - Ca(OH)2 + 2H2
(Hydrogenized Calcium) (Water) (Slake Lime) (Hydrogen Gas)
U-2 技术参数 U-1/U-2
测量方式 Hydrogen gas pressure
应用范围 Coal dust, Coasting sand, Lime, Cement, etc.
测量范围 U-1 : 0-3.5%, U-2 : 0-23%
样品重量 5g
测量精度 U-1 : ±0.1% U-2 : ±0.5%
显示模式 Analog
尺寸及重量 U-1 : ø100X200(L)mm, 1.1kg U-2 : ø100X280(L)mm, 1.4kg
附件 Scale, Spoon, Brush, Reagent, Hardcase